Hello Kitty Island Adventure takes our kitten friends into an open world called Big Adventures Park. This world is filled with adorable creatures, food to enjoy, and mysteries to uncover. With the recent announcement of Hello Kitty Island Adventure coming to Apple Arcade, fans of the series are wondering — will this game be coming to Nintendo’s handheld console? This guide will cover if Hello Kitty Island Adventure is coming to Nintendo Switch.
Will Hello Kitty Island Adventure Come to Nintendo Switch?
At the time of writing, Hello Kitty Island Adventure is not planned to come to the Nintendo Switch. The Mac App Store website clearly states that the app for the game is only available on iPhones, iPad, Macs, and Apple TVs. So, even though you won’t be able to play this game on the Nintendo Switch anytime soon, you can at least play on the big screen through Apple TV — if you own the hardware. I, for one, will be playing the game on Apple TV as I’ve never been a fan of mobile gaming!
Related: My Hello Kitty Cafe Roblox Codes
Hello Kitty Island Adventure may make its way to the Nintendo Switch — but this is wishful thinking, and you shouldn’t hold your breath. In the meantime, try out the game on the available devices, as it looks wonderfully jam-packed with features. You can find some of the features included in the game listed below.
- Become friends with other kitties.
- Explore the Island and an underwater world.
- Cook all types of different food.
- Give presents to your friends.
- Create a custom wardrobe.
- Catch fish.
- Become a mermaid.
- Create your avatar.
- Snap selfies.
That is a quick glimpse of what players can expect when playing Hello Kitty Island Adventure. If you would like to learn more about the game, feel free to check out the Mac Store page, which further details everything the game entails.